10 minutes by car from MARUYA
10 minutes by car from MARUYA
15 minutes by car from MARUYA
25 minutes by car from MARUYA from MARUYA
Approx. 3 minutes by car from MARUYA from MARUYA
Approximately 6 minutes by car from MARUYA from MARUYA
Approximately 12 minutes by car from MARUYA
Approximately 15 minutes by car from MARUYA from MARUYA
Approximately 12 minutes by car from MARUYA
Approx. 10 minutes by car from MARUYA from MARUYA
Tourist Attractions
A tour around Senshu/Osaka
Go to recommended spots
Senshu, with its sea and mountains, is the best place in southern Osaka. From shopping to eating and drinking, Senshu has many attractive spots. Why not use this as a base for an original model course that takes you from the Senshu area around Osaka, and experience a fun trip away from everyday life?
40 minutes by car, 55 minutes by public transport from MARUYA
45 minutes by car, 1 hour by public transport from MARUYA
45 minutes by car, 55 minutes by public transport from MARUYA
45 minutes by car, 1 hour 25 minutes by public transport from MARUYA
45 minutes by car, 50 minutes by public transport from MARUYA
45 minutes by car, 50 minutes by public transport from MARUYA
45 minutes by car, 1 hour 10 minutes by public transport.
35 minutes by car, 1 hour 20 minutes by public transport from MARUYA
Approximately 35 minutes by car, 1 hour and 20 minutes by public transportation from MARUYA